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A comfortable and relaxing red light therapy treatment developed by NASA for cellular regeneration and healing that triggers the release of fat for quick inch loss with lasting results.
For best results, drink plenty of water and follow with a vibrogym workout.
how it works
The latest advancement in low level light technology
delivering LED-based energy in 635nm wavelength.
✔ Opens the fat cell allowing the fat/toxins to exit the cell
✔ Liquefies the fat
✔ Causes the fat cell to shrink
✔ Accelerates fat burning
✔ Speeds up metabolism
the results
fast measurable results
no pain
no downtime
liquefies body fat
reduce cellulite
tightens skin
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25min treatment
30min cardio workouts

real results
I suffer with a lot of pain and inflammation in my body. On my first treatment, I lost 8.7 inches and not only did it help me feel better, but improved my quality of life while assisting with losing weight.
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